(1) Gene expression data for genes that we used for this database

(2) Genes in this database with more information and promoter sequenecs

(3) Database tables in SQL format and XML format

Resources of gene expression data

(1) Maize

(2) Sorghum

(3) Soybean

Resources for gene annotations and relevant information
(1) Gene annotations:

(2) ePF broswer for maize and soybean:

(3) Orthologue genes of maize, soybean, and sorghum:

References for data sets that were used by this database:

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Sekhon, R.S., Lin, H., Childs, K.L., Hansey, C.N., Buell, C.R., de Leon, N. and Kaeppler, S.M. (2011) Genome-wide atlas of transcription during maize development. Plant J, 66, 553-563.

Walley, J.W., Sartor, R.C., Shen, Z., Schmitz, R.J., Wu, K.J., Urich, M.A., Nery, J.R., Smith, L.G., Schnable, J.C., Ecker, J.R. et al. (2016) Integration of omic networks in a developmental atlas of maize. Science, 353, 814-818.

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Yu, P., Baldauf, J.A., Lithio, A., Marcon, C., Nettleton, D., Li, C. and Hochholdinger, F. (2016) Root Type-Specific Reprogramming of Maize Pericycle Transcriptomes by Local High Nitrate Results in Disparate Lateral Root Branching Patterns. Plant Physiol, 170, 1783-1798.

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