L1pred: a sequence-based prediction tool for catalytic residues in enzymes with the L1-logreg classifier

Yongchao Dou, Jun Wang, Jialiang Yang and Chi Zhang

This webpage contains all data and code supporting the paper

Test Data - test data

This file contains the chains, catalytic sites, PSSMs, ASAs and secondray structures of the test data set in paper.

Train Data - train data

This file contains the chains, catalytic sites, PSSMs, ASAs and secondray structures of the train data set in paper.

Code - code

This file contains perl models used to extracted protein sequecne-based features.

Model - model

This file contains the L1-logreg model constructed on the whole training data set.

Please cite us if you use any of these material.

Please address questions or comments to czhang5@unl.edu .

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