UniProtID: A0EJM2_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: ABB55939.1 Protein Length: 164 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: Unknown NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MQTLTTFLTALLFIPGVIVNAENCTSRAVSDVLQPMRSDPTFTTCQSDSNYTLQSLVSPS 60 TKQTRAFCSSSACQALLSSTLSSDLVPDCNVAIGSHTFSLTDAIVMVNSKCVGPLQLQER 120 VVDKGDVHSKAQHISSHVASALGHSAPMDDVGQLAGTLLFLLRR UniProtID: A6N6J8_FUSOX Gene Symbol: CTF1 DNA Info: EMBL: ABR12478.1 Protein Length: 903 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 5507 Description: SIMILARITY: Contains 1 Zn(2)-C6 fungal-type DNA-binding domain. Pubmed: 18705871 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF04082; Description: Fungal_trans ID:PF00172; Description: Fungal_trans Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005634; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: C:nucleus ID:0003677; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: F:DNA binding ID:0003700; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity ID:0008270; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:zinc ion binding Protein Sequence: MSSGSGTPQAQPQQQQQQPESQLSAPALPAPSTSTSTSAGGVSFRRQRASRACETCHARK 60 VRCDAASLGVPCTNCVAFQIECRIPNPKRKKTQGSGSQTNKDSDSDRGDANEDPSPRPVA 120 PSSTSSLTPRAPSVYHSNNGTPPTNWTEAQARKEEVDSGTYLDLVMKPKFTRAPITEAGR 180 VAYLGESSNLTLLVHDRQGSADVVHYPLPENVRGSRARLTELDNVEIDILHQRGAFLLPP 240 RSLCDELIDAYFKWVHPIVPVINRTRFMRQYRDPKNPPSLLLLQSVLLAGTRACNNPQLM 300 DANGSTTPAALTFYKRAKALYDANYEDDRVTIVQSLLLMGWYWEGPEDVTKNVFYWSRVA 360 TIVAQGSGMHRSVEQSQLSRADKRLWKRIWWSLFTRDRSVAVALGRPVHINLDDADVEML 420 TEDDFIEDEVDRASEYPPDPIHVQFFLEYVKLCEIMGLVLSQQYSVASKGRQRNAIDLTH 480 SDMALADWLQNCPKIVYWEMPRHHFWSALLHSNYYTTLCLLHRAHMPPGGSSRLPDPSPY 540 PSRNIAFQAAAMITSIVENLAAHDQLRYCPAFVVYSLFSALIMHVYQMKSPVPSIQQVTQ 600 DRLRSCMSAMKEISRVWLVGKMVYALFESIMGNKVLEERLQRAEGKRHRNLRQSLSHLEQ 660 QQNRQAEAPKRKYDDMAIDFGTTTPQPQESYERSRPQTPSAVKVESGSTMQPPPVTSPNA 720 RQSAADTFMGGTNSRPQTRPATPFNPSFSVPPTPPDLYLVTRNSPNLSQSLWENFQPDQL 780 FPDSAAMPAFPNLSPTQTHSNLDHNAMGSVPPNNGQGGMHNPQAGQYQQRGNGMMPQGFQ 840 GHSNMWQPNMDPNLPEGQSPDSWSTASGPGQAVPTTLNVEDWFQFFGINGTDPNHINLDM 900 PLG UniProtID: A8QJI7_FUSOX Gene Symbol: XLNR DNA Info: EMBL: ABN41464.1 Protein Length: 938 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 5507 Description: SIMILARITY: Contains 1 Zn(2)-C6 fungal-type DNA-binding domain. Pubmed: 17722701 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF04082; Description: Fungal_trans ID:PF00172; Description: Fungal_trans Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005634; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: C:nucleus ID:0003677; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: F:DNA binding ID:0003700; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity ID:0008270; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:zinc ion binding Protein Sequence: MLSNPLQRFSPYQNITSSNISPDGNVQQGTMSGTGLESLGQSHQYPIQPLSQAVPLSNAH 60 LERPGPQVKNRQHPYGIHPRNASTSGPIRRRISRACDQCNQLRTKCDGQHPCAHCIEFGL 120 GCEYIRERKKRGKASRKELAQQAAAQAAAAANGQTLDESTSENGQSGNKGLDSSNMVLEQ 180 QSNERHPSTSSKSSRDPGDDVMRHTQGLEGLDPLGNISEQPHLGRSSLDGEHIENNGGLD 240 LNGFGSMAHGYETQGLEGPVLNGQSYAANGRGNMPGYAEFPYSMQAQSPPNFANNPTFRM 300 GNSPLGYSMGKGTSPGWGISMASPPGQYQSQVPAPAFNNSKLRYPVLEPLVPYLNNPIPI 360 PLACDLIDLYFASSSSAQMHPMSPYVLGFVFRKRYFLDQTRPRPCQPALLASMLWVAAQT 420 SDAPFLASTPSARAKTCQKLLELTVYLLRPLIHTAPSDAPSPVADGVALGGLGVAMPGSI 480 SLDATSGESGPFGAAGSLDDVITYIHLAVVVSASEYKGASMRWWTAAWGLARELKLGREL 540 PPGPSPATQENMDTDTADDGEGGISGSGYVGEEEREERRRIWWLLYIVDRHLALCYNRPL 600 FLLDIECQGLLQPMDDARWQSGDFSGHSNSTTDPNLLGTSPEGYGADMTQAHGPQYECRG 660 HSIFGYFLPLMTILGEIVDLHHAKNHPRFGTGFRQGHEWNAQTAEITRHLEIYEQSLQAF 720 EHKNLPRPAEERVDAQNEGNERSGVPDANTPSAHSVHTNGSNRLTESNIQTRIVIAYGTH 780 VMHVLHILLAGKWDPINLLDDEDLWISSQGFITSTSHAVAAAEAIDQILEFDPGLEFMPF 840 FFGIYLLQGSFLLLLIADKLQSEASPSVAKACETIVRAHEACVVTLSTEYQRKFSKVMRS 900 ALAQVRGRVPEDLGEQQQRRRELLAVYRWTKDGTGLAL UniProtID: C1K9I8_FUSOX Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: ACO48424.1 Protein Length: 115 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 59765 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19400631 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Protein Sequence: VCVHAGTATGADLHWLNAICTGKSTYTVNCAPAGNKNAGSTHTGTCPAGQDCFQLEQVGN 60 FWGDREPDATCSPSNTVFDAVDDKEATHVNGKVVTRAGKPGIGRKLIRLKAQVYR UniProtID: D0MS91_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_01020 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY58360.1 Protein Length: 212 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002909546.1, XM_002909500.1 Pfam: ID:Elicitin; Description: PF00964.11 Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MVTTVRKFFKANDDTFDTCIADSNYQLYPYTGVIPDATIVTGLVNSNACMGIITAVVLLN 60 MPPCILDDLAMRAACETILYYSVALRHGVDAPTAEQFDELMTWRRSVNFAKAAGKPYDGN 120 KVTVMDNFTVVLDTEEADSIEMKDGKQPSFVSTNSSMDFFVGRVSAAENGVDDAPVTTAS 180 KTVTTIQSSDTMTMIFPLTSLATMLVIVAALV UniProtID: D0MS92_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_01022 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY58361.1 Protein Length: 141 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002909547.1, XM_002909501.1 Pfam: ID:Elicitin; Description: PF00964.11 Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MVFQTCVSEGRYKIFPSSGTHPTPKQIGAMSRSLACRAIFTSILLAGIPECELSNFPIRS 60 AAETLLKIGVDIDKYPGSDNIVPSTDRFIEMMHWRRDVNLARAAGLPCDSESKLYAEYAS 120 NFLHSHYKRPRADHQNAQYAG UniProtID: D0MS93_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_01023 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY58362.1 Protein Length: 151 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002909548.1, XM_002909502.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNFPAPIAKATRGSPTFSLVNSSECDPQAKAAIYKLYERNTMVFQACASDAKYQIFPFDG 60 TYPTSEHIGNMARSLACRALFSSALLAGTPECNVGGSPLRASSETLLKITVDIRNYPMSP 120 AVIPSTPRFLPGFLAIPAQNCIRNMPAVCTQ UniProtID: D0MS94_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_01024 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY58363.1 Protein Length: 205 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002909549.1, XM_002909503.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MLALLLGFFVSQASASGSGSLGGSVEFQTEETASPMTTTSSSSSSSSSSTEVTLAPINAP 60 SSTSTTFQLVDNIDCNSTVSSMIYVIYNKNRALFDSCVSDAQYQIFPFLGTEPSTTQVQA 120 MATSTSCDIVFTGLLLASFPQCTISGFPFKAAAETLLKIHVDVVNGYAPSPSAERFQEML 180 SWRRCVNLAKEAGQQLHSHAVKLPD UniProtID: D0MWI0_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_02505 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY63993.1 Protein Length: 195 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002907429.1, XM_002907383.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MQFGVFFFFLLSAFGAVAEDPCPATEVVKFAELYANPHLSPCQKVSAGFSIAPPKGYPTD 60 PQVKAMCASDECRALIEDALALKPADCYLSFAGVKLNAYKLSSTFEDACKADVDKTHEDD 120 KHPASTNNSTSKPTEEKSTLKPAVEKYPKATEEDMLHTNEKADEASNLKPPMNGTALELF 180 PMPNTTYKATTSPKA UniProtID: D0MWJ5_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_02525 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY64008.1 Protein Length: 259 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002907444.1, XM_002907398.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MLFGIFFFFLLSAFVAAAEDACSSTEVVKFAKLYGNEHLRPCQKVSAGFSIAPPKGYPTD 60 PQVKAMCASYECRALIEDVLALKPSDCYLSFAGVKLNAYKIMCAFKDACNGEKDKDHEDD 120 KHHSTAKPTTHYPTSKPADEKYYLTPKPTEDKHYSTSKPTDGKYDPTRKPTDEKYSKTPK 180 PTDDKHYPAPKPTGDKDHHGLDEPMIVKTDHDDKHYPIHCADNEKANEADGLKPPMNGTA 240 LELFPMPNTTYKATPSPKP UniProtID: D0MWW1_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_22708 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY64124.1 Protein Length: 119 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002907560.1, XM_002907514.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKTFPYAAAAAVACLATQSSAYDETTVCPISETAKLLALASNQYLNSCQTASSYSFVPPS 60 AYPTETQVLLMCLTPDCHSLIGDLLDLKPADCVINFGTVSINVLQLAESFQPNCTALGL UniProtID: D0MXL6_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_02964 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY64379.1 Protein Length: 327 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002907815.1, XM_002907769.1 Pfam: ID:Elicitin; Description: PF00964.11 Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MRCWTFGAALAVLVFGSVDALDNCDSNVLVKAYEGLNVNAQLVSCMTQNNFSAALDGSVD 60 LTSVNAATAPDQVKSICASESCKTILSAIVGSANFNLTNCIVGSNIVLMTEISNLQATCT 120 ALYTATLAPAATTAAPTAAPTPAPTPAPVATTAAPTTASTPAPTPAATPAPAVTTAAPTA 180 APTPALTPAPAATTAAPTSAPTPAPTATQATTPAPMAAPTEPPASSSAAPTTLPTDAPAT 240 EAPATEAPATEAPATEAPTTEAPATKAPATSTAAPSTEPPATEAPTTAPSTDDQTQQQQQ 300 QKFFSVLNSDSGSAAGVMPGTVHVLLR UniProtID: D0MY26_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_03616 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY66074.1 Protein Length: 211 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002906673.1, XM_002906627.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MRTFTPVLLVAAVAAIASAQSSSTTTTASLASAPGSGSASMSAELAAIPECNTTQLNAGE 60 TILTSNQRAEQCEEALGLQSGTMLQVTTADATQICDTTSCKAALQELYNELPNCRYNLWG 120 LQYSAQKLLEYCGITPSSTTDSYANSGSVGWSVSSGSASFAPVGGTDAPSTASSTASDSS 180 ASTAGSSAATTTTAVSTVLAATVSVVAAYLA UniProtID: D0N092_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_22717 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY65905.1 Protein Length: 139 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002906504.1, XM_002906458.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: LAYLASAATCGSSVLSALLTSANIQQCGTDTTEIPDQATIDKMCASTACNTLLADVKAMN 60 LEECQLPVGVGSNLKADLVVYVPSNCPSTSAPRLACHKRTCCRHPDDARQLDEPGRAHRR 120 ANQDPHRLLTASSDRLAAK UniProtID: D0N0T1_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_04215 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY67244.1 Protein Length: 181 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002905892.1, XM_002905846.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MFAGVLALIDMAELPHLLQRAARTTEIPDQATIDKMCAQGSQWGFCGLGYPRVTHPSTPY 60 EQNVGLQKTIIQPPQQPLRPTQCLEKTRVFQNTVCASTACNTLLADVKAMNLEECQLPVG 120 VSSNLKADLVVYVPSNCSSTSAPSPDSPATNTPVVDIPTTPDNSTNQAEHTAALTKTPIA 180 C UniProtID: D0N138_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_22741 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY67351.1 Protein Length: 146 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002905999.1, XM_002905953.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKSTAIVAVALVATTNADLCDVPALIGNVTSPEAVTCLGDSGFDVTMLVAPTSAELAKMC 60 TSTACQSVLSGAEATAPTECTVGSFALYADLITPLKTACSGGSSSGSSTWTTVAFNSTDS 120 DEAAPSCASGSSRSSSSSAKRAVMSC UniProtID: D0N148_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_04378 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY67361.1 Protein Length: 198 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002906009.1, XM_002905963.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MSTSGSITTCGSTSLAGLLTNQYITQCATDSGYSFTAASVPTQDVIDLMCASSACRGLLA 60 DAQALDLPECILPVGDNIRLRADLIDYVPARCPSVAGSAATGSAATTTGSAATASSTAGN 120 NTASSADTITAPSTASSTTSDETSSTATSAESSGSAASASASASAASASSGSSAAASPVG 180 RALSVVSLGALAVVSYFL UniProtID: D0N1P8_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_22745 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY68227.1 Protein Length: 117 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002905386.1, XM_002905340.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MSCPLCSRARTFNSAARTTEIPDQATIDKMCASTACNTLLADVKAMNLEECQLPVGVSSN 60 LKADLVVYVPSNCSSTSAPSPDSPATNAPVVDTPTTPDNSTNQAEHTAALTKTPIAC UniProtID: D0N4P7_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_06370 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY69855.1 Protein Length: 175 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002998502.1, XM_002998456.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MMPSLTSFVLIGLALAGSVSAEDCSTEALMKLASSTNLAGCTADTGVSVSTISTLTMDQV 60 MAVCQSSSCMGLMDDVASANLGDCTIPGSNVSVQSDILDQVGSMCSGSGTMGSMAAGSSS 120 SSNGGTNVGDESGTSSSSSDKATGGSSSTSGAGNTAGTVTIGFASAVVAVAMILM UniProtID: D0N4P8_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_22799 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY69856.1 Protein Length: 157 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002998503.1, XM_002998457.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNSMFFWLLVVNVALIASGNAAECSTSELLTIASDTHLEGCTSDVGFGGFSAMSALTAEH 60 IQAVCDSSDCMKLMDSMRSMNFGDCTIQGTNISLGKDILAPFERVCSGSGSADLSSSSVG 120 DELVGSSASGPSSSAPTTLVAAFWSSSITLIFAAVVM UniProtID: D0N4Q0_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_06373 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY69858.1 Protein Length: 149 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002998505.1, XM_002998459.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MPLLLFWLSILFIASSVSADDCTIEQISAVASNSHVDPCAKAMEFVEILSLAALSSDQVK 60 LFCASGPCMALYDDVRTMGLGDCTIPSTGTSMQKDIFEPVTEACGSSGSPSSSTDAEVEV 120 DEASSISSSSTITVSIVGYVGVTLSVMLF UniProtID: D0N5Q9_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_05810 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY70400.1 Protein Length: 88 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002998054.1, XM_002998008.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MCASTACNTLLDDVKAMNLEECQLPVGVGSNLKADLVVYVPSNCPSTSAPSPDSPATNAP 60 VVDTPTTPDNLTNQAEHTAALTKTPIAC UniProtID: D0N6R8_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_06908 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY53267.1 Protein Length: 173 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002904885.1, XM_002904839.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MTRLVLLLLTAFIAVEIGFIVAKPCSPRELGVFNDVSGQVSKCRQDSKLNFQVPPRSSLS 60 KSQQSALCKSKACQEMIGSMDDLDIPNCEATFDKKNMTLQTSLDKFVSSCDTSTPAPSPI 120 KRRKSFESSASGSDSFSKKNRYTNTAAAVQFGTPQQLVVLLAIGMLSLALVLP UniProtID: D0N9G4_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_22845 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY54452.1 Protein Length: 115 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002904274.1, XM_002904228.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKTVASITAIATMFGSLIAAEKCSPDLLSINLLPLESMSKLCAADSGYKLYPYTDMPSED 60 ELNALCKSEACCNMLDEANALDCVLTINGSEHTIQDSAAAIFAGCEILDAMELSG UniProtID: D0N9K2_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_08143 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY54490.1 Protein Length: 152 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002904312.1, XM_002904266.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MLYLTTLLLVMSTILVKAENCSVHTIYAVLEPVASDPNFATCQTDSNYSLLSFENLSLNQ 60 TEGFCASSACQALLKATLTSGLLPHCDVVIGVHSLNLTDAVTIASKCSETLEERVVDEDE 120 GEGTVGRIAGNIVDVVAHSIPMDELVLALLRV UniProtID: D0N9P2_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_22846 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY54530.1 Protein Length: 124 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002904352.1, XM_002904306.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKTSTITVALAALVAITAPTLVEAETCATMTLVFKLLPLLSDAKTCADDTGYTIYPFSGK 60 PTEQQMPAICANPTCTGVLQDAIDSDLPDCTIDFEATQLNVRAELTAYATRCGVFESRKK 120 PLRA UniProtID: D0N9P3_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_22847 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY54531.1 Protein Length: 120 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002904353.1, XM_002904307.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKASTITVALAALVAITAPTLVEAETCATMTLVFKLLPLLSDAKTCADDTGYTIYPFTEQ 60 QMPAICANPTCTGVLQDAIDSDLPDCTIDFEGTQLNVRTELTAYATRCGVFESRKKILRA 120 UniProtID: D0N9P5_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_08193 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY54533.1 Protein Length: 100 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002904355.1, XM_002904309.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKTECAPTTLSFALLPLESESKLCATDSGYKLYPFTGMPSQDEIQAMCKSKACNKMLGEA 60 RDSDMPDCDLTINGTAYNIQESIELMFAGCEIIDVNELSG UniProtID: D0NH20_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_10772 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY58659.1 Protein Length: 189 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002901603.1, XM_002901557.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MAKFTLAVSTLLVASAAVSAHEGHDHSSSTHDEHEHSGSAASGTVGSECSADVSEAFIAT 60 VDNSTYFETCAEGMTFNITSVFDVLNFTDSEFLTFCNSSTCLEPVHGLMGSVDCLITYQG 120 TPRDLAAEVDKLHDQCHEVLDAADLEMDMGGHAHSSGSTGSASGSSDAPSVVVTVGSVVS 180 AAILAAFLA UniProtID: D0NH21_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_10773 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY58660.1 Protein Length: 134 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002901604.1, XM_002901558.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MFHPRENGVQYCITFEFASLPPLRSHSVQWLRSRFAFTFATSTLLLASVASAADECSSSV 60 SETIVATIDNSTYYDTCAVEDEGVTFNVSTLFDVLNFTDSEFLMFCNSSTCLGPVHEMIH 120 SIPSDCLILGQGTT UniProtID: D0NKT5_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_12551 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY60221.1 Protein Length: 118 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002900428.1, XM_002900382.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNFRALFAATVAALVGSTSATTCTTSQQTVAYVALVSILSDTSFNQCSTDSGYSMLTATS 60 LPTTEQYKLMCASTACKTMINKIVSLNAPDCELTVPTSGLVLNVYSYANGFSSTCASL UniProtID: D0NKT9_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_12555 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY60225.1 Protein Length: 119 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002900432.1, XM_002900386.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MCASTNCQSLIESIFSLSPPDCTLTVPTSGLEVNVYELASGFSSVCSSLSSDSSASTSTA 60 STTSTAASTTTETTSAVTSTATSTTSDTATTSTTSSSNSTEVATGTASSDSIVTSATAC UniProtID: D0NKU0_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_12556 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY60226.1 Protein Length: 183 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002900433.1, XM_002900387.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin ID:PF04886; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNTYFVLASAVAALAGSADAAACTTAQQQSAYLGMVGLLTGTALNECASESGYNMLYATA 60 LPTDDERKAMCVVQACHDLIVSVLATNPPDCDLTIPTSNAVMNVYQLASTFETQCDALVT 120 TTAPSTEAPTTAPTEAPTSAPSDVPTIAPTDAPTSAPTDDPTDTPTTAPTSAPTEPVVPG 180 AAC UniProtID: D0NKU1_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_12561 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY60227.1 Protein Length: 188 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002900434.1, XM_002900388.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNTKTFLAIAAAAFVGFAAAETCSPTDQTTAYSTLASVLTLSSFQGCADDSGFSLLYSTA 60 LPDDDQYVKMCASDNCKSLIESVASLNPPNCDLTVPTSGLVLNVVDLTSGFSEKCSSSSS 120 TSNTASSAATSTTTEAPAATTAAPTTDTTTASTATDAPAATPVATPATTTTNSTNSTESV 180 TQTSAAAC UniProtID: D0NKU2_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_12562 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY60228.1 Protein Length: 177 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002900435.1, XM_002900389.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNTYIAVAAAALAVIASVNGEACSTTQQASAYTSMVGLLQGTSLSTCASDSGYNMLYATA 60 LPTAEQTAAMCKVDACHELIKNVQATNPPDCDLNIPTSGAIMNVKSLADNFEPGCSPSTP 120 VTEAPAARTAAPAASTDAPKTEAPATESTPSHEQQSTTPAATPAVTPAATPTTPIAC UniProtID: D0NND4_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_12599 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY62070.1 Protein Length: 224 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002899374.1, XM_002899328.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MLQQYRYQEANKYYVVSRVSSTSSAMKFAAIASAAALVAVANAASCDVTSLQTLLTSSDT 60 TTCATDSGYTVTSLATPTDAEMDVMCTSTACQSVLSQLETLAPSECTLGTFALYADLITP 120 LSNHCAGATSTGSSTGSSSTTATVGSTDGSSTSATVTTSSTGSAGSTTTTTPTTSSGSST 180 SQTTTSSSSAASAAASASTSGSSGASMAAVSAGSVLVAVAAAMF UniProtID: D0NUA6_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_16872 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY65239.1 Protein Length: 78 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002897303.1, XM_002897257.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKSFVAAIAIAALASEASAATCGSSVLSALLTNANIQQCGTDSGYAFTAAEIPDQATIDK 60 MCASTACNTLLADVQAMN UniProtID: D0NUA7_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_16873 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY65240.1 Protein Length: 165 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002897304.1, XM_002897258.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKSFVAAIAIAALASEASAATCGSSVLSALLTNANIQQCGTDSGYAFTAAEIPDQATIDK 60 MCASTACNTLLADVQAMNLEECQLPVGPGINLKADLVDYVPANCPSTAAPSPDSPATEAP 120 TPATEAPSLDSPATDAPVVDTPTTPDNSTNQADPTAAPTKTPIAC UniProtID: D0NUA8_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_16874 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY65241.1 Protein Length: 161 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002897305.1, XM_002897259.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MAVSSSFRCRATPHFRRLRRHLVVRLRCQHLWLARGLLCVGLVSAAEYIDQCATDSGYVF 60 TAASIPDQDTVEKMCASSACQNLLADVQAMGRSECVIPVGDNILLLADLVDYVLPGVVHG 120 LDHEQHVDLHDCCEHYHFVRELGFDTNGHLGCYCVVYKLHE UniProtID: D0NUA9_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_23095 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY65242.1 Protein Length: 131 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002897306.1, XM_002897260.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKLLLAIVTAAMLTKSTAADSCAVSTLSRLLLNQNIGQCSDDSGYAFTTGRKPTSAEVGG 60 MCASDACHNLLNDVKAMNLTECTLPIGDKIYLFADLIDFVSDQCDGDTPTPSTVTPEPAT 120 AVSSEKVRIRN UniProtID: D0NUB0_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_23096 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY65243.1 Protein Length: 94 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002897307.1, XM_002897261.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: PAPTTAIASRTSAQLRYLLTSSYTAQCAGDTGYSFTAPTSPTEATVAAMCASESCVNLFA 60 YVASMVTTDCRVPVGGKILLLSDLVDYVVTQPHL UniProtID: D0NUB1_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_23097 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY65244.1 Protein Length: 83 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002897308.1, XM_002897262.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: CQTSALSALLTNQYIGQCATDSGYSFSYGTQPDAEEVAGMCASSACANLLADVEALGLSE 60 CILPIGDKIYLFRDLVGYVADQC UniProtID: D0NUB2_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_23098 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY65245.1 Protein Length: 178 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002897309.1, XM_002897263.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: TCQTSALSALLTNQYIGQCAADLGYSFTSGTQPDAEEVAGMCASSACANLLADVEALGLS 60 ECILPIGDKIYLFRDLVGYVADQCSSSSTIVPVTESPTTSAPATGTPTTTAPSIDPSPAP 120 NTPTTMAPPTTSTPGTASPGTDAPGTIPDTDNPKTEIPIIGTPMTETPERTSPIHDAC UniProtID: D0NUD3_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_16907 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY65266.1 Protein Length: 334 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002897330.1, XM_002897284.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKFAVIASAAALVAATNAATCDVTALQTIITSPDAATCMTDSGFSGTTLVTPTDAELAKM 60 CTSTACQSLLSDARAAAPTECTVGTFALYADLITPLNRVCSGGSSSGSSTSATVGSTEGS 120 SATITANSTISDSSASASSSGSSSSASTAVVSSTNLVARAAVACEATQTGQQDPVAEKSS 180 DYNTLGPKWPSSRSMNLATPITSNQISSSPCAMTSETKARCTQELRSPPNFASRMFRLVF 240 KPKQRSANQRAKSWPGCAEFAAVRGQSSTSIEIPSSVPPWVPRAHIKLQQDCKQTADDSN 300 SEASWRERQGVAGPAAHTATTVATSMERYGFDDS UniProtID: D0P0C5_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_19602 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY70303.1 Protein Length: 202 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002996925.1, XM_002996879.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKTSTFLLLTVAIGATAAQNGTNSCDMGAIEGKLLLNGTTWHESCATATGVDVFQLGSLP 60 TKVEAKTVQQSRDCVNYLNQLNQEANSEIQCETTVGDQTINFASMLTDLLKGQSSNKTKV 120 AAVGSDSMSGSVSLSSSDSGSESTSDSESASGSESDESSSGSEEDGSADAQKDGSASKSS 180 TGVALTTTFSVVAAATVLAFAL UniProtID: D0P0C7_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_19604 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY70305.1 Protein Length: 306 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002996927.1, XM_002996881.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MVKEGKPQLTQELGSQSSSTYSQYTSPFSSPASTGWDDGDDLLIGAPIRMKQNRQEYFPS 60 NCDPVVPSSQKLQPPTSSPFSRFIVHQRKRRQDGRTGRPHLSILLEPSIRLLVVRTTVPP 120 AKMKTAFVSAAVLIAAAAYSSAADCDMAKIEGLLYPNATQGLADCENATGIDIFAVGQFP 180 TTEQVTQLSRNVDCADYLNQINQVANAEIQCNVTIEGVPVNFGKLIADFLTGKTGNESDS 240 GSGSIEIPSESASGSVGSGSANLDSSATNSGSTAASDSSGSSGASSAQAFSFIAYGIAAV 300 AAMALQ UniProtID: D0P227_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_20413 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY55450.1 Protein Length: 335 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002895644.1, XM_002895598.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MSADGGSHSRTKLAELKSSTMFAAVLLSATFLFWTGEAAECTDAQTASASSVWAQAAANP 60 ACAPYVTQTDPVFVNAPCAATDCVDVVEDVATDLPDCTFSGINIKIEVQNALTICNGGDI 120 RDSGSLTEANATATTAPPSSLAGSSSALTPEATTIAMDSYCNNGEIISLWNEYVKTATSE 180 ECASDSVVNGGNIDIIAQCDSNCTDNIRNLAEELPNCFYDFEYINKKQYVLNQLEGCDGS 240 ATMITISLLPDNAVDYSESIGSGRTATLLPSSGSSAIMVGDSASGSKQLNSGNNPSDNTM 300 DASSGESGSSATPPHGGKILPWASLAVGIVVAFLN UniProtID: D0P3R6_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_21410 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY60722.1 Protein Length: 118 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002895059.1, XM_002895013.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNFVALIAVTVAVLVGSTNAAACTAKQQTAAYNTLVSLLSEASFSTCSKDSGYSMITSKT 60 LPRPKEKKAMCKSSSCKSMIKKIIALNPPNCTLTVPTSGLKTNVYKMAHDFSSDCKRL UniProtID: D0RMB8_PHYIT Gene Symbol: PITG_23236 DNA Info: EMBL: EEY62035.1 Protein Length: 119 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 403677 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19741609 NCBI RefSeq: XP_002909812.1, XM_002909766.1 Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKTFSYAAAAAVACLATQSSAYDETTVCPISETAKLLALASNQYLNSCQTASSYSFVPPS 60 AYPTETQVLLMCLTPDCHSLIDDLLDLKPADCVINFGTVSINVLQLAESFQPNCTALGL UniProtID: D0U2D2_FUSOX Gene Symbol: SIX3 DNA Info: EMBL: ACY39290.1 Protein Length: 163 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 59765 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 19799634 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Protein Sequence: MRFLLLIAMSMTWVCSIAGLPVEDADSSVGQLQGRGNPYCMFPGRRTSSTSFTTSFSTEP 60 LGYARMLHRDPPYERAGNSGLNHRIYERSRVGGLRTVIDVAPPDGHQAIANYEIEVRRIP 120 VATPNAAGDCFHTARLSTGSRGPATISWDADASYTYYLTISED UniProtID: D2JLR5_9HYPO Gene Symbol: HIS3 DNA Info: EMBL: ACZ56013.1 Protein Length: 131 Organism: Fusarium avenaceum Taxonomy ID: 502741 Description: SUBUNIT: The nucleosome is a histone octamer containing two molecules each of H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 assembled in one H3-H4 heterotetramer and two H2A-H2B heterodimers. The octamer wraps approximately 147 bp of DNA (By similarity). SIMILARITY: Belongs to the histone H3 family. Pubmed: 19843228 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00125; Description: Histone Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blight, head blight of wheat, rots of fruits, stems, and roots, etc DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0000786; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: C:nucleosome ID:0005634; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: C:nucleus ID:0003677; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: F:DNA binding ID:0006334; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:nucleosome assembly Protein Sequence: QTARKSTGGKAPRKQLASKAARKSAPSTGGVKKPHRYKPGTVALREIRRYQKSTELLIRK 60 LPFQRLVREIAQDFKSDLRFQSSAIGALQESVESYLVSLFEDTNLCAIHAKRVTIQSKDI 120 QLARRLRGERN UniProtID: O00094_FUSOX Gene Symbol: PG1 DNA Info: EMBL: AAC05015.1 Protein Length: 370 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 59765 Description: SIMILARITY: Belongs to the glycosyl hydrolase 28 family. Pubmed: 9450333 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00295; Description: Glyco_hydro_28 Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0004650; Method: IEA:EC; Description: F:polygalacturonase activity ID:0005975; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:carbohydrate metabolic process ID:0007047; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: P:cellular cell wall organization Protein Sequence: MVRNIAIAALLPAAFASTLPRDPCSVTDYSGLATAVSSCTNIVLNGFQVPTGKALDLSKL 60 KDGATVTFKGKTTFATTADNDFDPIVISGNGITITGASGHVIDGNGPAYWDGEGSNNKDN 120 PKPDHFIVVKKTTGNSKITNLNIQNWPVHCFDITGSSQLTISGLILDNRLGDKPNAKSGS 180 LPAAHNSDGFDISSSDHVTLDNIHVYNQDDCVAVTSGTNIIVSNMYCSGGHGLSIGSVGG 240 KSNNVVNGVQFLDSQIVNSENGCRIKSNSGTTGTIANVTYQNISLTNISKYGVDVQQDYL 300 NGGPTGKPTNGVKISGIKFIKVTGTVASSAQDWYILCGDGSCSGFTFSGNAITGGGKTSS 360 CNYPTNTCPS UniProtID: O42718_PHYIN Gene Symbol: INF2A DNA Info: EMBL: AAB94814.1 Protein Length: 185 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 9353948 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNTKTFLAIAAAAFVGFAAAETCSPTDQTTAYSTLASVLTLSSFQGCADDSGFSLLYSTA 60 LPDDDQYVKMCASDNCKSLIESVASLNPPNCDLTVPTSGLVLNVVDLTSGFSEKCSSSSS 120 TSNTASSAATSTTTEAPAATTAAPTTDTTTASTATDAPAATPVATPATTTTNSTESVTQT 180 SAAAC UniProtID: O42719_PHYIN Gene Symbol: INF2B DNA Info: EMBL: AAB94815.1 Protein Length: 189 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 9353948 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNTKTFLAISAAAVVGFAAAETCSPTDQTTAYSTLASVLTLSSFQGCADDSGFSLLYSTA 60 LPDDAQYVKMCASDNCKSLIESVAGLNPPNCDLTVPTSGLVLNVVDLTSGFSKKCSSSSS 120 TSNTASSAATSRTTEAPAATTAAPTTDSTATDAPAATPAVTPVATPAATSTNSTESVTQT 180 SVTQTTAAC UniProtID: O59937_FUSOX Gene Symbol: XYL3 DNA Info: EMBL: AAC06239.1 Protein Length: 384 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 59765 Description: SIMILARITY: Belongs to the glycosyl hydrolase 10 (cellulase F) family. Pubmed: 10323234 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00734; Description: CBM_1 ID:PF00331; Description: CBM_1 Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0043169; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:cation binding ID:0030248; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:cellulose binding ID:0004553; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds ID:0045493; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: P:xylan catabolic process Protein Sequence: MHTFSVLLALAPVSALAQAPIWGQCGGNGWTGATTCASGLKCEKINDWYYQCVPGSGGSE 60 PQPSSTQGGGTPQPTGGNSGGTGLDAKFKAKGKQYFGTEIDHYHLNNNPLINIVKAQFGQ 120 VTCENSMKWDAIEPSRNSFTFSNADKVVDFATQNGKLIRGHTLLWHSQLPQWVQNINDRS 180 TLTAVIENHVKTMVTRYKGKILQWDVVNEIFAEDGNLRDSVFSRVLGEDFVGIAFRAARA 240 ADPAAKLYINDYNLDKSDYAKLTRGMVAHVNKWIAAGIPIDGIGSQGHLAAPSGWNPASG 300 VPAALRALAASDAKEIAITELDISGASANDYLTVMNACLAVPKCVGITVWGVSDKDSWRP 360 GENPLLYDSNYQPKAAFNALVNAL UniProtID: PACC_FUSOX Gene Symbol: PACC DNA Info: EMBL: AAM95700.1 Protein Length: 609 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 5507 Description: FUNCTION: Transcription factor that mediates regulation of both acid- and alkaline-expressed genes in response to ambient pH. At alkaline ambient pH, activates transcription of alkaline-expressed genes (including pacC itself) and represses transcription of acid- expressed genes. Specifically recognizes and binds the consensus sequence 5'-GCCARG-3'. May act as a negative regulator of virulence to plants. SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Cytoplasm (By similarity). Nucleus (By similarity). INDUCTION: By alkaline conditions and during infection of tomato roots. PTM: Activated by C-terminal proteolytic cleavage. At neutral to alkaline ambient pH, the signaling protease cleaves pacC within the conserved 24-residue signaling protease box. In an ambient pH- independent reaction, the processing protease (probably the proteasome) removes additional C-terminal residues to yield the functional form. SIMILARITY: Belongs to the pacC/RIM101 family. SIMILARITY: Contains 3 C2H2-type zinc fingers. Pubmed: 12694620 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00096; Description: zf-C2H2 Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005737; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell; Description: C:cytoplasm ID:0005634; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-SubCell; Description: C:nucleus ID:0003677; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: F:DNA binding ID:0008270; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:zinc ion binding ID:0006355; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: P:regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent ID:0006351; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: P:transcription, DNA-dependent Protein Sequence: MSPPAPEQKPQLQQQQQQGSSSGDSSSGSANDSKSVTPAPSATSNTSQSSTAPSTSSDDN 60 LICRWNACNQKFPAPEALYEHICERHVGRKSTNNLNLTCQWNSCRTTTVKRDHITSHIRV 120 HVPLKPHKCEFCGKSFKRPQDLKKHVKTHADDSVLVRPSQDPQGGLNYRPQPPKGPSSYY 180 DHTGQMRTNAAAFAHQAGHPSGGYYAPQPSTNYGLYFNQPPINNARTEHLGYSAAAGGYD 240 RKRTYDMVDDFFGSAKRRQIDPSSYAQIGRSLMPLHGNLSVPNGPMTATEQYMPQPAPAP 300 VHAGPTPSKTPSAQQYYLPMPSARTQKDLIHIDTILGQMQDTIYENANHATAGVHIHHAE 360 NGFNGYRNTPSPPTSHRSPTGMHVGADGYQPVSAASMASPLTAISSTGTPAVTASSSMSY 420 TSGHSPSPSSSAMSPQSRHGSTASVMYPTLPTSLPAVSQGFGHSATTTLGPSFDGSERRR 480 YSGGMLQRARAGPLPLPHEDTSGASTPKASESALSVGSPSSESDVSDATREREEQYDRWL 540 ENMRVIETLREYVRGRLERKEFVDDNESPRSSHSDAMDVDPKSPQAPPRELGTPREGSSL 600 YPILRMPGA UniProtID: Q01905_PHYIN Gene Symbol: INF1 DNA Info: EMBL: AAB49807.1 Protein Length: 118 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 9002268, 15702346 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNFRALFAATVAALVGSTSATTCTTSQQTVAYVALVSILSDTSFNQCSTDSGYSMLTATS 60 LPTTEQYKLMCASTACKTMINKIVSLNAPDCELTVPTSGLVLNVYSYANGFSSTCASL UniProtID: Q0WXM3_FUSOX Gene Symbol: FOW2 DNA Info: EMBL: BAE98264.2 Protein Length: 663 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 5507 Description: SIMILARITY: Contains 1 Zn(2)-C6 fungal-type DNA-binding domain. Pubmed: 17302801 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF04082; Description: Fungal_trans ID:PF00172; Description: Fungal_trans Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005634; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: C:nucleus ID:0003677; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: F:DNA binding ID:0003700; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity ID:0008270; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:zinc ion binding Protein Sequence: MDLSQRALPRHTHHQPPPSLSNPSPSHLPPQHSTSTYSPGPVASHPTLPLPGTHPPSSAL 60 TPGSASTSPASISHRLPSASASTTSRHPTGDYLPDADDQDASTPVDGEEPPKKKQKRNKP 120 TLSCHECVERKTKCDRGRPHCLACIKRQTECRYAHVANLLEETTRSAANGRRMTKPPKKK 180 SGSSGKSPIPNIADRGMSNDPRATSRGAVALSIGLLSNVPYSLPSASNVFGIGSEHPFAN 240 YWTCEGGLPEVISVLPDKIQADILLSRYFECVDPVYPMIHRQTFYADYEHFWQMNQQEKT 300 DTDPSFIALIFVMLALGTQFVTSTTSPQERRQTAEFYASASNQALRIASYLSSASLRSIQ 360 AMVLLVYFLINDNHASDGWAFAGILIRQAYAMGLHRDPNIVTPNATLFEKQQRRKVWQAV 420 LLQDTFLTVLLSLPPSATHTDVSVEDLLDDGSSIANSDPTDTAYIRGSWTLANLVQETIC 480 SPRSLDLPICTTARHKSKLIADFRAVYRSFPDVFRSWDPDSITALAKTNKRVVRQTLFLT 540 SNYFHNLMLVHASESPDVPVNVRGTLEAAHDAITAFFLLFTLLEIEARVWWVFNHRAFLE 600 ALCIGNVLKEAAREPGGADMMARDPLLVRAKADITRMIQIMQVMGEDSEVARTRVQVLSD 660 FLA UniProtID: Q2KN79_FUSOX Gene Symbol: GAS1 DNA Info: EMBL: AAX78216.1 Protein Length: 539 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 5507 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 16353549 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF03198; Description: Glyco_hydro_72 ID:PF07983; Description: Glyco_hydro_72 Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0043169; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:cation binding ID:0016740; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: F:transferase activity ID:0005975; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:carbohydrate metabolic process Protein Sequence: MKFSAAIVAAAATAASAKLEPITMKGSKLFYSNGTQFFMKGVAYQQDTAAAGETNDKTTK 60 YIDPLADEEACKRDIPLLKQLGTNIIRTYAINPKADHKACMKLLDAGIYVISDLSEPSVS 120 INRDDPKWDVELYERYIGVVDELGQYDNVVGFFAGNEVSNNVSNTQASAFVKAAVRDTKK 180 HIKSKFSRWLGVGYASNDDVDIREQIADYFNCGDDDSRIDYWGYNIYSWCGKSSMQDSGY 240 SDQAKFFEDYSVPVFFAEYGCNEPDGAAGRIFDETTALYEEKVMTDVFSGGIVYMYFQEA 300 NDYGLVKISKNGDAVKQKDFAQLQKKANAAKPSGVEEDSYKPTGKAATCPEQSKNWKANS 360 VLPPVPDSDLCDCMVKSRSCVPADNLKAKDFNDIFGYICGQDKKICTAINANATAGIYGA 420 YSMCSNEAKLAYILDAYYTSQKSAADACDFKGKATTQKAESQDSCKSALASASKINEEVA 480 TATHAVASSSTGGSNSSSEDDENFGLQAASIARVFSLGDFAVGAYMAVAGVVGAGMVLL UniProtID: Q2N0D8_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: ABB55942.1 Protein Length: 160 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 16237208 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MLFGIFFFFLLSAFVAAAEDACSSTEVVKFAKLYGNEHLRPGQKVSAGFSIAPPKGYPTD 60 PQVKAMCASYECRALIEDVLALKPSDCYLSFAGVKLNAYKIMCAFKDACNGEKDKDHEDD 120 KHHSTAKPTTHYPTSKPADEKYYLTPKPTEDKHYSTSKPT UniProtID: Q2N0D9_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: ABB55941.1 Protein Length: 140 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 16237208 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MDFYECRVATHFSIGSVRYKPSESCTKHLEGTNMTRLVLLLLTAFIAVEIGFIVAKPCSP 60 RELGVFNDVSGQVSKCRQDSKLNFQVPPRSSLSKSQQSALCKSKACQEMIGSMDDLDIPN 120 CEATFDKKNMTLQTSLDKFV UniProtID: Q2N0E0_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: ABB55940.1 Protein Length: 139 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 16237208 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MLYLTTLLLVMSTILVKAENCSVHTIYAVLEPVASDPNFATCQTDSNYSLLSFENPSLNQ 60 TEGFCASSACQALLKATLTSGLLPHCDVVIGVHSLHLTDAVTIASKCSETLEERVVDEDE 120 GEGTVGRIAGNIVDVVAHS UniProtID: Q2N0E1_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: AAY43372.1 Protein Length: 149 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 16237208 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MPLLLFWLSILFIASSVSADDCTIEQISAVASNSHVDPCAKAMEFVEILSLAALSSDQVK 60 LFCASGPCMALYDDVRTMGLGDCTIPSTGTSMQKDIFEPVTEACGSSGSPSSSTDAEVEV 120 DEASSISSSSTITVSIVGYVGVTLSVMLF UniProtID: Q2N0E2_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: ABB55937.1 Protein Length: 157 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 16237208 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNSMFFWLLVVNVALIASGNAAECSTSELLTIASDTHLEGCTSDVGFGGFSAMSALTAEH 60 IQAVCDSSDCMKLMDSMRSMNFGDCTIQGTNISLGKDILAPFERVCSGSGSADLSSSSVG 120 DELVGSSASGPSSSAPTTLVAAFWSSSITLIFAAVVM UniProtID: Q2N0E3_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: ABB55936.1 Protein Length: 174 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 16237208 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MPSLTSFVLIGLALAGSVSAEDCSTEALMKLASSTNLAGCTADTGVSVSTISTLTMDQVM 60 AVCQSSSCMGLMDDVASANLGDCTIPGSNVSVQSDILDQVWSMCSGSGTMGSMAAGSSSS 120 SNGGTNVGDESGTSSSSSDKATGGSSSTSGAGNTAGTVTIGFASDVVAVAMILM UniProtID: Q2N0E4_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: ABB55935.1 Protein Length: 198 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 16237208 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MSTSGSITTCGSTSLAGLLTNQYITQCATDSGYSFTAASVPTQDVIDLMCASSACRGLLA 60 DAQALDLPECILPVGDNIRLRADLIDYVPARCPSVAGSAATGSAATTTGSAATASSTAGN 120 NTASSADTITAPSTASSTTSDETSSTATSAESSGSAASASASASAASASSGSSAAASPVG 180 RALSVVSLGALAVVSYFL UniProtID: Q2N0E5_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: ABB55934.1 Protein Length: 153 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 16237208 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MFAAVLLSATFLFWTGEAAECTDAQTASASSVWAQAAANSACAPYVTQTDPVFVNAPCAA 60 TDCVDVVEDVATDLPDCTFSGINIKIEVQNALTICNGGDIRDSGSLTEANATATTAPPSS 120 LAGSSSALTPEATTIAMDSYCNNGEIISLWNEY UniProtID: Q2N0E6_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: ABB55933.1 Protein Length: 189 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 16237208 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MAKFTLAVSTLLVASAAVSAHEGHDHSSSTHDEHEHSGSAASGTVGSECSADVSEAFIAT 60 VDNSTYFETCAEGMTFNITSVFDVLNFTDSEFLTFCNSSTCLEPVHGLMGSVDCLITYQG 120 TPRDLAAEVDKLHDQCHEVLDAADLEMDMGGHAHSSGSTGSASGSSDAPSVVVTLGSVVS 180 AAILAAFLA UniProtID: Q2N0E7_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: ABB55932.1 Protein Length: 213 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 16237208 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MPPCHRVTLDLTPVEPPRSSHFRIRVVAPTPFALRPKAQLSRFAFTFATSTLLLASVASA 60 ADECSSSVSETIVATIDNSTYYDTCAVEDEGVTFNVSTLFDVLNFTDSEFLMFCNSSTCL 120 GPVHEMIHSIPSDCLILYEGTERNLSEEVKALHDECHRALGTDDDDDDATDSDDMPMSMS 180 GMKMDGTTSSTSGGTTGSSAASAVSVSLVADAW UniProtID: Q5MGB7_PHYIN Gene Symbol: INF6 DNA Info: EMBL: AAV92914.1 Protein Length: 183 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 15702346 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin ID:PF04886; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNTYFVLASAVAALAGSADAAACTTAQQQSAYLGMVGLLTGTALNECASESGYNMLYATA 60 LPTDDERKAMCVVQACHDLIVSVLATNPPDCDLTIPTSNAVMNVYQLASTFETQCDALVT 120 TTAPSTEAPTTAPTEAPTSAPSNVPTIAPTDAPTSAPTDDPTDTPTTAPTSAPTEPVVPG 180 AAC UniProtID: Q5UB09_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: AAV49003.1 Protein Length: 94 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: Unknown NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: ALVGSTSATTCTTSQQTVAYVALVSILSDTSFNQCSTDSGYSMLTATSLPTTEQYKLMCA 60 STACKTMINKIVSLNAPDCELTVPTSGLVLNVFT UniProtID: Q5YCX0_FUSOX Gene Symbol: CHS2 DNA Info: EMBL: AAT77182.1 Protein Length: 1041 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 59765 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 15470098 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF01644; Description: Chitin_synth_1 ID:PF08407; Description: Chitin_synth_1 Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0004100; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:chitin synthase activity ID:0006031; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:chitin biosynthetic process Protein Sequence: MAESQTLLPKRPIIGGQTAKLQNKNRTSVHVAFADLPRDLPEIPDGISDRRRVHKEQQHL 60 GLDTTPPVPPRPLSRLRDVNSHDKLPSIRSPRNLNYQPSVRSSRSGSIFDDAPSMAPPGG 120 SYVSYGMHDDGSPQRPWTPSSRVSGFTRSDLSRPPPSDGMYEPSDLNGSPRPGTPSSRYG 180 GSPRRPLPPAPLFSNSRQPVPPIADDATISIPLHDTYDDDVFAPESDLSDARPHPVDRSS 240 YMSSESQDTLNEGDMEDYDKVEHYGPAPTGAQERRGVRAPQMSRKEVQLINGELVLECKI 300 PTILYSFLPRRGEVEFTHMRYTAVTCDPDDFVERGYTLRQTFGKTVRETELFICVTMYNE 360 DEIGFTRTMHAVMKNISHFCSRSRSRTWGETGWQKIVVCIVSDGREKIHPRTLDALAAMG 420 VYQHGIAKNFVNNRAVQAHVYEYTTQVSLDSDLKFKGAEKGIVPCQMIFCLKEKNQRKLN 480 SHRWFFNAFGKALNPNVCILLDVGTRPSGTSLYHLWKAFDTDSNVAGACGEIKAMKGRLG 540 ANLLNPLVASQNFEYKMSNILDKPLESVFGYITVLPGALSAYRYHALQNDETGHGPLSQY 600 FKGETLHGQHADVFTANMYLAEDRILCWELVAKRGERWVLKYVKGCTGETDVPDTVPEFI 660 SQRRRWLNGAFFAAVYSLVHFKQIWFTDHTLARKILLHMEFLYQFIQLMFTFFSLANFYL 720 TFYFVAGGLTDPKVDPFGHNIATVIFHILRYACVLLISTQFILSLGNRPQGSKKLYLISM 780 IIYSIIMVYTTFATFYIIIHQLTSKDDKIEMGDNVFTNMIVSILSTIGMYFIMSILYLDP 840 WHMITSSAQYFILLPSYICTLQVYAFCNTHDVTWGTKGDNVMKTDSWGAVGKGETVELEM 900 PSEQLDIDSGYDEALRNLRDRLEVPESPPSESQLQEDYYKSVRTYLVLTWMIGNGILGMA 960 VSEIYSARGIGDNYYLRFLLWSVAALAVFRAIGSTTFAVLNVINMIVEGRVRLSLKAPRW 1020 MGGLKERVNDKMSSVSSNLRS UniProtID: Q65YU2_FUSOX Gene Symbol: FGA2 DNA Info: EMBL: BAD44729.1 Protein Length: 355 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 5507 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 15668015 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00503; Description: G-alpha Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005525; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: F:GTP binding ID:0004871; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:signal transducer activity ID:0007186; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway Protein Sequence: MGACMSSSNEEADQKKKSQAIDKILEEDSKRLRKECKILLLGSGESGKSTIVKQMKIIHL 60 KGYSEDELFNYRPTVFKNLVECAKAVIMAMQQFDIEPQNEENKAHAEFLLEYQAESGPQA 120 QIDPKVGAAVQALWNDPAKDLLMEHQTEFYLMDSAEYFFQEAMRIVSSDYLPNEMDVLRA 180 RTKTTGIYETRFQMGQLSIHMFDVGGQRSERKKWIHCFENVTSIIFCVALSEYDQVLLEE 240 SSQNRMMESLLLFDSVVNSRWFMRTSIILFLNKVDIFKQKLSRSPLGNYFPDYSGGNDVN 300 KAAKYLLWRFNQVNRAHLNLYPHLTQATDTSNIRLVFAAVKETILNNALKDSGIL UniProtID: Q6B957_FUSOX Gene Symbol: FRP1 DNA Info: EMBL: AAT85969.1 Protein Length: 526 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 59765 Description: SIMILARITY: Contains 1 F-box domain. Pubmed: 16091043 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00646; Description: F-box Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Protein Sequence: MAHHQARTMAMDPPHITEFASERYFEKLSQLNAHQHQRQPPPTRDNLDASTSSPSRFILP 60 LRETKTADVEPLRPLDQKRDKSRFFGLRSKVSILHSKSSVASGHAPRVSVETPQKSASFD 120 QLFLGLPNELQIQIISALPLTDVLNLRLASKSWHTLVTFNENTIARYHLEHHIPVYASRL 180 YPITDPSEINFQHLCGIWHRLHVAAKLAFLMCEWITKDIFLRQTEAQRLAFAPQNERMRR 240 RLIPLLFTIFHFFETYRKLYLKRMAENGGKGLRREPYTLNPIEAEIMSMYDDQTLLRVHE 300 VFPLVISSFCRRLRPPTYVGRVERSLRGYIREKPSDDMHVAILCIGGLRQVERLWEIKGY 360 NSRRGAVDTWFNALTKEAPPTEQSTSKPKRGLFGRKKSTSEARSSGTALNKVRSSGSIDG 420 NMDWEANLVFNTSLSAGAPMSPLTSQQAQALLSDLPVLQQIWLTTAEALILQRRVVERPQ 480 DIKRNQQVMLDLISEDGLVEEDEWWYGRSIPDSVRPPVGVTDDDAD UniProtID: Q6XPX0_FUSOX Gene Symbol: FGB1 DNA Info: EMBL: AAO91808.1 Protein Length: 359 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 59765 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 15588997 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00400; Description: WD40 Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Protein Sequence: MNSQGNSDVSPEAMQSRIQQARREAETLKDRIKRKKDDLADTTLRAVAQQAHEPIPKNQL 60 MKAKRTLKGHLAKIYAMHWSTDRRHLVSASQDGKLIIWDAYTTNKVHAIPLRSSWVMTCA 120 YAPSGNFVACGGLDNICSIYNLNQQRDGPTRVARELSGHAGYLSCCRFINDRSILTSSGD 180 MTCMKWDIETGQKVTEFADHLGDVMSISLNPTNQNTFISGACDAFAKLWDIRAGKAVQTF 240 AGHESDINAIQFFPDGHSFVTGSDDATCRLFDIRADRELNLYGSESILCGITSVATSVSG 300 RLLFAGYDDFECKVWDITRGEKVGSLVGHENRVSCLGVSNDGTSLCTGSWDSLLKIWAY UniProtID: Q709E0_FUSOX Gene Symbol: SIX2 DNA Info: EMBL: ACY39282.1 Protein Length: 232 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 59765 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 15387816, 19400631, 19799634 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Protein Sequence: MLFKIAWVSLFTTWAISVAANPAGDSLPDDAHLPDRRLSPSEVQALKKAQIYPPGYIHKR 60 VTFGEGKDAVEVPIVEADVEMLLNNEKGVKARSLAPRGSCFSFPTPARGSCMIDYCWRDD 120 NGVIYSRGITITGSNGASNPTSMRSNDPANLSLNSVFNDGYNGWFPHGHACSNSDTQIYT 180 NHRLLQGVNGVAYVDHVRCENCNFRNVNCLSDVLKNNLIAYSNGVASQSRCT UniProtID: Q709E2_FUSOX Gene Symbol: SIX1 DNA Info: EMBL: CAE55866.1 Protein Length: 284 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 59765 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 15387816 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:DAP_epimerase; Description: PF01678.13 Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Protein Sequence: MAPYSMVLLGALSILGFGAYAQEAAVREPQIFFNLTYTEYLDKVAASHGSPPDKSDLPWN 60 DTMGSFPGNETDDGVQTETGSSLSRRGHIVNLRKREPFGEESRNDRVTQDMLQALHDLCV 120 ERFGTGYRAVSGLCYTDRRATRKIECNKPSVRERDRSVTRACPEGQECTTFNAYNFRNRH 180 HQVTFPVCGPRIEVKDRHDIGIHTEWQGTWYPESPKSPGTYDYFAQMAGTLNGYFGYDGV 240 YSDGYKTSSHGYGHSWSCINCPRGKVTITNTYRATWAFGYTSPH UniProtID: Q7Z8N5_COCVI Gene Symbol: CPS1 DNA Info: EMBL: AAP87099.1 Protein Length: 821 Organism: Cochliobolus victoriae Taxonomy ID: 40125 Description: Unknown Pubmed: Unknown NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00501; Description: AMP-binding Disease-Host: Agropyron sp.: United Kingdom,Avena sativa: Australia; Canada,Cymbopogon flexuosus: India,Digitaria ciliaris: Australia,Eleusine sp.: Malaysia,Hordeum sp.: United Kingdom,Hordeum vulgare: Ind Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Victoria blight of oats DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0016874; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: F:ligase activity Protein Sequence: GVEWWKTNEFGSYHPKKHDDTPALQVPEVAYIEFSRAPTGDLRGVVLSHRTIMHQMACIS 60 AMISTIPTDTQSQDTFSTSLRDADGKFVAPAPSRNPTEVILTYLDPRESAGLILSVLFAV 120 YGGHTTVWLETATMETPGLYAYLITKYKANILLADYPGLKRAAYNYQQDPMATRNFKKNT 180 EPRFAPVKICLIDTLTVDCEFHEILGDRYFKPLRNTRGRELIAPMLCLPEHGGMIISVRD 240 WLGGEERMGCPLSIAVEESDDDEDDAEDKYAAANGYSSLIGGGTKKNKKEKEKKGPTELT 300 EILLDKEALKMNEVIVLAIGEEASKRANEAGTMRVGAFGYPIPDATLAIVDPETSLLCSP 360 YSIGEIWVDSPSLSGGFWQLQKHTETIFHARPYRFVEGSPTPQLLELEFLRTGLLGFVVE 420 GKIFVLGLYEDRIRQRVEWVENGQLEAEHRYFFVQHLVISIMKAVPKIYDCSSFDSYVNG 480 EYLPIILIETQAASTAPTNPGGPPQQLDIPFLDSLSERCMEVLYQEHHLRVYCVMITAPN 540 TLPRVIKNGRREIGNMLCRREFDNGSLPCVHVKFGVERSVQNIALGDDPAGGMWSFEASM 600 ARQQFLMLQDKQYSGVDHREVVIDDRTSTPLNQLSNIHDLMQWRVSRQAEELAYCTVDGR 660 GKEGKGVNWKKFDQKVAGVAMYLKNKVKVQAGDHLLLMYTHSEEFVYAVHACFVLGAVCI 720 PMAPIDQNRLNEDAPALLHILADFKVKAILVNADVDHLMKIKQVSQHIKQSAAILKISVP 780 NTYSTTKPPKQSSGCRDLKLTIRPAWVQAGFPVLVWTYWTP UniProtID: Q873Z8_FUSOX Gene Symbol: CHSV DNA Info: EMBL: AAO49384.1 Protein Length: 1863 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 5507 Description: Unknown Pubmed: Unknown NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF03142; Description: Chitin_synth_2 ID:PF00173; Description: Chitin_synth_2 ID:PF08766; Description: Cyt-b5 ID:PF00063; Description: DEK_C Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0016459; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:myosin complex ID:0005524; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:ATP binding ID:0004100; Method: IEA:EC; Description: F:chitin synthase activity ID:0020037; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:heme binding ID:0003774; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:motor activity Protein Sequence: MAMSLPQLGGAGGPHTQPSLPSLPAHLQSDTHLTAHLASRFHVSHPTARLSSHALISLNT 60 YTNSSKGPDGGKEGSAMAGAEEIADRAFLRLGHRSENQAVVFLGESGAGKSTIRAHLLTA 120 LLNKSSTPLSTKLSLAAYVFDSLTTTKTATTPTASKSGLFYELQYDTSATTNPVLIGGKL 180 LDHRLERSRIADVPTGERNFHVLYYLLAGTSEAEKSHLGLDGGSATGTTQKRWKYLGHPT 240 QLKVGINDAEGFQVFKNALRKLEFPRAEIAEICQILASILHIGQLEFETTSQTSVTGDDS 300 GGFSHEGGTTITAVKNKDVLSIIAAFLGVSAADLQTTLGYKTKMIHRERVTVMLDPNGAR 360 AHAGELARTLYSLLVAWILETINQRLCAPEESIANTVSIVDFPGFCQQTPTGSALDQLLN 420 NAATECIYNLTLQNFFDRKADMLESEEVSVAATSYFDNSDAVRGILKPGNGLLSILDDQT 480 RRNRTDMQFLEALRRRFDGKNAAIEVGSAQAKLPGSNFMTENTSAVFTVKHFAGEVDYPV 540 KGLIEENGEIISGDLLNMINGTKSEFVARLFGQDALQTVTHPNERTTVMQATVSSKPMRA 600 PSVMSRKTHRTGRPSTAYKRQQQEAMEELDQQSQAGESKKNAKMTLEQGASGQFLASLDN 660 VQKAVTDPGTNSYFVFCLKPNDRRIANQFDSKCVRMQVQTFGIAEISQRLRSADFSLFLP 720 FGEFLGMTDPETILVGSERERAEMVIEEKQWPQNEVRVGATGVFLSERCWMEIAQLGEAV 780 SVSGRYGGLPSSDAGDGLTPAESMAFGASKEHLVSGGNTPLMYGEKAKGGYFTDDTRSEA 840 GVSAFGGGDMFKNLDTREQMAERGNEKSLEEVEEYRDKPSRKRWVALVFFLTWFIPDFAI 900 RLIGRMPRKDVRMAWREKVAINMLIWLMCAVAAFFMVGFPMLICPKQYVYSSNELSSYDG 960 DKGSKGAYVAIRGFVIDLNAFIPNHYPGSNLVSEDTLLNYARQGYHALFSPSKCLPLCQG 1020 KDGQIPPEVTLDNRNTNITGQPQLLASRDIDVNSVYHDFRYFTNDSRPDWYFEQMYTFKH 1080 VYLKGRMGYSPKYVKKLARDSSWNVVTIHGKVYDMTKYLQGGLRLKAKAGKPTPNIPGAT 1140 DFMEDSVVQLFRSAKGQDVSKYWDNIKLSPVKKQRMETCLNNLFYIGDSDTRNSTRCQFA 1200 TYFILAISVMLASILVFKFLAALQFGGKNVPENLDKFVMCMIPAYTEDEDSLRRAIDSLS 1260 RMKYDDKRKLLVVVCDGMIIGQGNDRPTPRIVLDILGVPETVDPEPLSFESLGEGMKQHN 1320 MGKIYSGLYEVQGHIVPFMVIVKVGKPSEVSRPGNRGKRDSQMVLMRFLNRVHYNLAMSP 1380 MELEMYHQIRNIIGVNPTFYEYLFQIDADTVVAADSATRMISAFIDDTRLIACCGETALT 1440 NAKGSFITMIQVYEYWISHNLSKAFESLFGSVTCLPGCFSMYRIRAAETGKPLFVSKEIV 1500 EDYSTIRVDTLHMKNLLHLGEDRYLTTLLLKYHSKYKTKYLFSAQAWTIAPDSWSVFLSQ 1560 RRRWINSTVHNLAELIPLAQLCGFCCFSMRFVVFIDLLSTIVQPVIVMYIVYLIYQVATN 1620 PSVVPITAFLLLGAIYGLQAVIFILRRKWEMVGWMIMYIAAIPVFSFGLPLYSFWHMDDF 1680 NWGNTRVIAGEAGKKIAVSDEGKFDPNSIPRKKWEEYQAELWETQTQTARDDVRSEISGY 1740 SYATKAQGPFSEYGGGYQPSRPGSTAGFGHQNMSRMSLAHSEMPGNRASQFGGSQFFSPE 1800 DLVGMPSDDALLAEIRDILKTADLMTVTKKGIKQELERRFNVPLDAKRAYINSATEALLS 1860 GQL UniProtID: Q876Z6_FUSOX Gene Symbol: RENSA DNA Info: EMBL: BAC55015.1 Protein Length: 724 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 5507 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 15020411 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Protein Sequence: MSTVKFQCPPYKLFEPDYHPQKPIIVGVDDRLESPDTIALRYEEAARVETGGDPRGDSPP 60 KLLEMATYTKAQLPSMHAGYDVARYQDAGYEQYSTQAYPTQQQSDKFAHLNQQSFASNSA 120 AVAQYMPSGPTVLSCQPATGIFGTKVYVKLSSQYDLFSLSTPIPTWFLVFGSEKCSAQDV 180 SRDIQEGSGFIYTCSGDAPQFLVTNCANSNVPLSLVLDGPSGEEISRIPVGTFQYLEGSG 240 DDITRSTKMPKHEDAAPATTIDQPSTSPKGEPQLPSEPGTNTYEYPPQQGQYANTFPQAN 300 SDMISTYNRSTSFTDPHYHRRPTTGWSPYPSTLGSTGRGPGGLDTSLVGRPPLTPLGMSS 360 PSHSNGAPQLVRTSTITANAGNNTSYHPISLYSGKAVLKISGKLESMAENWTSEEWANRR 420 RIVLFRKTQKGSTVNATCQSVSVNERPTNSICISCIWWAEKGECYVTSVDTIHLLEQLVA 480 APNRFSVEEKNRIRRNLEGFHPQTVSKAKPDSEEFFKIIMGFPNPKPRNIEKDVKVFPWK 540 ILESALKKIIGKYSVNPSTPVPPPMMSQTNGGYAPLPTPPGQSMAPAHPDAHTQYSLPQH 600 HDSIPSPRSLSGSQPSWTPYTTAPGYSTAASRTLSPGLRHHSPQQPPLRINTTPLPAVST 660 YDSRSGGYGTSGLHTPLSHHPPTATPPRWDPTPATYPEGYTSLTSQTAQPVYGAAGYAEP 720 APRA UniProtID: Q8H6Q6_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: AAN37687.1 Protein Length: 259 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 12180924 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MLFGIFFFFLLSAFVAAAEDACSSTEVVKFAKLYGNEHLRPCQKVSAGFSIAPPKGYPTD 60 PQVKAMCASYECRALIEDVLALKPSDCYLSFAGVKLNAYKIMCAFKDACNGEKDKDHEDD 120 KHHSTAKPTTHYPTSKPADEKYYLTPKPTEDKHYSTSKPTDGKYDPTRKPTDEKYSKTPK 180 PTDDKHYPAPKPTGDKDHHGLDEPMIVKTDHDDKHYPIHCADNEKANEADGLKPPMNGTA 240 LELFPMPNTTYKATPSPKP UniProtID: Q8J2N0_FUSOX Gene Symbol: SNF1 DNA Info: EMBL: AAN32715.1 Protein Length: 706 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 5507 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 12845476 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00069; Description: Pkinase ID:PF08587; Description: Pkinase Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005524; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: F:ATP binding ID:0004674; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:protein serine/threonine kinase activity Protein Sequence: MAPRGFEDEELTISLSSSHVRRPQQQQQQQSQQQQQHASSDAPTPGSRPADAPLKERIKT 60 EQRIGAYKVLRTLGEGSFGKVKLAIHNGTGQQVALKIIARKKLISRDMAGRVEREIEYLQ 120 LLRHPHIIKLYTPNEIIMVLEYAGGELFDYIVQHGRMKEPEARRFFQQMLCAVEYCHRHK 180 IVHRDLKPENLLLDENLNVKIADFGLSNIMTDGNFLKTSCGSPNYAAPEVIGGKLYAGPE 240 VDVWSCGVILYVLLVGRLPFDDEHIPSLFAKIAKGTYSIPQWMPAGAANLIKKMLVVNPV 300 HRATIEDIRADPWFTTDLPAYLQLPVEEFFNTGVDPNKAIKKNDIAPNASEKVQERLHNE 360 VTEKISKTMGYGKSDVEEALQAAEPAAIKDAYMIVRENKMMQVNHNPEALLAEPEGSSPM 420 LSMSSARSTTSQATTTPRPYVSKVGILPSSLPAYHKDYMEREKAGSVENSPPKVLINDEP 480 PSNRTDAEKEETARRLRPHSRSQLRMDEANTRPQGMTPINPPKKNKPVRWQFGIRSRNSP 540 WEALLCIHKALHKLGATYIPDEDYESRTAEERAEASGEGSFADSHDNNRGSSSSIDPKKR 600 YNLPADPWHINVRWDTSAIKKKAASVPGTPSSPSTPEGQHHPKEPFVALHMDIQIYEMEH 660 GVYLVDFKCSGYETAHGRLLEEKDVTSPFPFLDMAAKLIMQLAEAD UniProtID: Q8TGD1_FUSOX Gene Symbol: FOW1 DNA Info: EMBL: BAB85760.1 Protein Length: 318 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 5507 Description: SIMILARITY: Belongs to the mitochondrial carrier family. Pubmed: Unknown NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00153; Description: Mito_carr Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0016021; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: C:integral to membrane ID:0006810; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: P:transport Protein Sequence: MAATIRTDLPAPIGDKQLEKKPIKFSNLLLGAGLNLFEVTTLGQPLEVVKTTMAANRGDS 60 MAAALGRVWARGGPLGFYQGLIPWAWIEASSKGAVLLFVASEAEYYARVAGASEFGGGIL 120 GGVTGGVAQAYATMGFCTCMKTVEITKHKMAASGVKPQSTFQTFGEIYRKEGIRGINKGV 180 NAVAIRQMTNWGSRFGLSRLAEGWIKSLTGKKEGEKLSAGEKVIASALGGGLSAWNQPIE 240 VIRVEMQSKKEDPNRPKKMTVGNTFRYIYETNGVRGLYRGIAPRISLGIWQTVCMVAFGD 300 MAKTYVEKLTGESVTAKH UniProtID: Q944V7_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: AAL16014.1 Protein Length: 199 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 10587472 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MKFAAIASAAALVAVANAASCDVTSLQTLLTSSDTTTCATDSGYTVTSLATPTDAEMDVM 60 CTSTACQSVLSQLETLAPSECTLGTFALYADLITPLSNHCAGATSTGSSTGSSSTTATVG 120 STDGSSTSATVTTSSTGSAGSTTTTTPTTSSGSSTSQTTTSSSSAASAAASASTSGSSGA 180 SMAAVSAGSVLVAVAAAMF UniProtID: Q944V8_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: AAL16013.1 Protein Length: 183 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 10587472 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin ID:PF04886; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNTYFVLASAVAALAGSADAAACTTAQQQSAYLGMVGLLTGTALNECASESGYNMLYATA 60 LPTDDERKAMCVVQACHDLIVSVLATNPPDCDLTIPTSNAVMNVYQLASTFETQCDALVT 120 TTAPSTEAPTTAPTEAPTSAPSDVPTIAPTDAPTSAPTDDPTDTPTTAPTSAPTEPVVPG 180 AAC UniProtID: Q944V9_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: EMBL: AAL16012.1 Protein Length: 184 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 10587472 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNTYIAVAAAALAVIASVNGEACSTTQQASAYTSMVGLLQGTSLSTCASDSGYNMLYATA 60 LPTAEQTAAMCKVDACHELIKNVQATNPPDCDLNIPTSGAIMNVKSLADNFEPGCSPSTP 120 VTEAPAARTAAPAATTAAPAASTDAPKTEAPATESTPSHEQQSTTPAATPAVTPAATPTT 180 PIAC UniProtID: Q944W0_PHYIN Gene Symbol: INF4 DNA Info: EMBL: AAL16011.1 Protein Length: 118 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 10587472, 15702346 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: MNFVALIAVTVAVLVGSTNAAACTAKQQTAAYNTLVSLLSEASFSTCSKDSGYSMITSKT 60 LPRPKEKKAMCKSSSCKSMIKKIIALNPPNCTLTVPTSGLKTNVYKMAHDFSSDCKRL UniProtID: Q96VA7_FUSOX Gene Symbol: FGA1 DNA Info: EMBL: BAB69488.1 Protein Length: 353 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 5507 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 12228810 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00503; Description: G-alpha Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005525; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: F:GTP binding ID:0004871; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:signal transducer activity ID:0007186; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway Protein Sequence: MGCGMSTEEKEGKARNEEIENQLKRDKMMQRNEIKMLLLGAGESGKSTILKQMKLIHEGG 60 YSRDERESFKEIIFSNTVQSMRVILEAMESLELPLEDQRMEYHVQTIFMQPAQIEGDVLP 120 PEVGSAIEALWKDRGVQECFKRSREYQLNDSARYYFDNIARIAAPDYMPNDQDVLRSRVK 180 TTGITETTFIIGDLTYRMFDVGGQRSERKKWIHCFENVTTILFLVAISEYDQLLFEDETV 240 NRMQEALTLFDSICNSRWFIKTSIILFLNKIDRFKEKLPVSPMKNYFPDYEGGDDYAAAC 300 DYILNRFVSLNQHETKQIYTHFTCATDTTQIRFVMAAVNDIIIQENLRLCGLI UniProtID: Q96VZ3_FUSOX Gene Symbol: PGX1 DNA Info: EMBL: AAK81847.1 Protein Length: 455 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 61372 Description: SIMILARITY: Belongs to the glycosyl hydrolase 28 family. Pubmed: Unknown NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00295; Description: Glyco_hydro_28 Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0004650; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:polygalacturonase activity ID:0005975; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:carbohydrate metabolic process ID:0007047; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: P:cellular cell wall organization Protein Sequence: MLFNNVLSAVAVSVLVSSVVGTSSRNSALPKRPHVEAAPYGTGKAFPASPARSRKDFCYV 60 NPGKGKNVDDAPSILKAFKKCNKGGTIVLDQKYSIASPLDLTWLAHVDVIITGEVNFKSD 120 PYYWADHSFKYDFQNMSSFWKIGGKDIHIYGDLTKGESLLDGHGQAYWEEMAVNKTLLRP 180 ILLTIEDAHGLTMSNLRMRNPPNWFNIIINSTDVLISDLELEAKSLNGVKIANSDGWDTY 240 RSDRIVIQNSVIDNTDDCVSFKPNSTNVVVQNLVCNGSHGISVGSLGQYKGETDIVENLY 300 IYNISMSNASDGARIKVWPGVETAFQSLLNGGGGLGRVRNVTYDTFYHENNDNAITITQC 360 YGQKNQTLCNEFPANLTIEDVTMKNFWGTVSTKYDPRAGSLVCSAPDRCSNIVAEDIKVQ 420 VPSKKPPVYDCQNIDTSTLDITCRDPTNARDTTNG UniProtID: Q9C1R1_FUSOX Gene Symbol: XYL4 DNA Info: EMBL: AAK27975.1 Protein Length: 231 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 59765 Description: CATALYTIC ACTIVITY: Endohydrolysis of (1->4)-beta-D-xylosidic linkages in xylans. PATHWAY: Glycan degradation; xylan degradation. SIMILARITY: Belongs to the glycosyl hydrolase 11 (cellulase G) family. Pubmed: 11795847 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00457; Description: Glyco_hydro_11 Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0031176; Method: IEA:EC; Description: F:endo-1,4-beta-xylanase activity ID:0045493; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: P:xylan catabolic process Protein Sequence: MVSFKSLLLAASALTGALAHPFDFLDEQDDGNSTSVLEARQVTGNSEGYHNGYFYSWWSD 60 GGGYANYRMGEGSHYQVDWRNTGNFVGGKGWNPGTGRTINYGGSFSPQGNGYLCVYGWTR 120 SPLVEYYVIESYGTYNPGSAGQHKGTVYNDGDTYDLYQTTRVQQPSIDGTQTFNQYWAIR 180 RNKRTSGAVNMQTIFNAWNSAGMRLGNHYYQILATEGYQSSGSSSIYVQTK UniProtID: Q9C1T0_FUSOX Gene Symbol: ARG1 DNA Info: EMBL: BAB40769.1 Protein Length: 467 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 5507 Description: Unknown Pubmed: Unknown NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00206; Description: Lyase_1 Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005737; Method: IEA:HAMAP; Description: C:cytoplasm ID:0004056; Method: IEA:HAMAP; Description: F:argininosuccinate lyase activity ID:0042450; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:arginine biosynthetic process via ornithine Protein Sequence: MAEKKTDAPATNMLWGGRFTGGIDPLMHKYNASIIYDKALYREDVLGSIAFARANSKVGI 60 ITEDEFKMIEHGLLEVMEEWKQGTFAIMPNDEDIHTANERRLGELIGKDTAGKLHTGRSR 120 NEQVVCDMRMWLRDRIREIDSQLVAFLQVLTKRAEAEIDYLMPGYTHLQRAQPVRWGQWI 180 MSHAASFKQDLERLRQVFERVNLSPLGCGALAGNVFGIDRDAIAAELGFSGITLNSMNTS 240 GDRDFIIEFLTWNSIFTSHISRWAEDLILYSTSEFGFCRLSDLYSTGSSLMPNKKNADSL 300 ELLRGKSGRAFGQMAGLMMSVKGLPTCYNKDLQEGWEPMLDSVQTVLDSLGIANGVIATM 360 TVRPERMLAALDKTMLATDVAEWLVRNGCPFREAHHISGRVVALSENTETPMDKLTLEQL 420 QAIDSRFTADIVKAFEYESSVEAKSARGGTSRSAVLQQIQELHAILD UniProtID: Q9HGU2_FUSOX Gene Symbol: FMK1 DNA Info: EMBL: AAG01162.1 Protein Length: 355 Organism: Fusarium oxysporum Taxonomy ID: 59765 Description: CATALYTIC ACTIVITY: ATP + a protein = ADP + a phosphoprotein. SIMILARITY: Contains 1 protein kinase domain. Pubmed: 11251832 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00069; Description: Pkinase Disease-Host: Multiple genera in multiple families Disease-Hostkey: plants Disease: Blights, wilts, rots of various sorts DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005524; Method: IEA:UniProtKB-KW; Description: F:ATP binding ID:0004707; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: F:MAP kinase activity Protein Sequence: MSRSNPPNAAGSRKISFNVSEQYDIQDVVGEGAYGVVCSAIHKPSGQKVAIKKITPFDHS 60 MFCLRTLREMKLLRYFNHENIISILDIQKPRNYESFNEVYLIQELMETDMHRVIRTQDLS 120 DDHCQYFIYQTLRALKAMHSANVLHRDLKPSNLLLNANCDLKVCDFGLARSAASQEDNSG 180 FMTEYVATRWYRAPEIMLTFKEYTKAIDVWSVGCILAEMLSGKPLFPGKDYHHQLTLILD 240 VLGTPTMEDYYGIKSRRAREYIRSLPFKKKVPFRTLFPKTSDLALDLLEKLLAFNPVKRI 300 TVEEALKHPYLEPYHDPEDEPTAPPIPEEFFDFDKHKDNLSKEQLKQLIYQEIMR UniProtID: Q9S879_PHYIN Gene Symbol: NULL DNA Info: NULL Protein Length: 98 Organism: Phytophthora infestans Taxonomy ID: 4787 Description: Unknown Pubmed: 8012047 NCBI RefSeq: Unknown Pfam: ID:PF00964; Description: Elicitin Disease-Host: Principal hosts are Solanaceae including Solanum spp. (potato) and Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). Also occurs on hosts in 15 other genera and in ten other families (Erwin & Ribeiro 1996) Disease-Hostkey: herb Disease: Late blight of potato and tomato. Overwinters in tubers. Several races occur. Also causes leaf blights and, rarely, damping off, flower, and fruit b DiseaseKey: Blight Gene Ontology: ID:0005576; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: C:extracellular region ID:0006952; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:defense response ID:0009405; Method: IEA:InterPro; Description: P:pathogenesis Protein Sequence: TTCTTSQQTVAYVALVSILSDTSFNQCSTDSGYSMLTATSLPTTEQYKLMCASTACKTMI 60 NKIVSLNAPDCELTVPTSGLVLNVYSYANGFSSTCASL