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Transcription Factor Family: Rcd1-like

Okazaki et al. 1998: In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the onset of sexual development is controlled mainly by two external signals, nutrient starvation and mating pheromone availability. We have isolated a novel gene named rcd1+ as a key factor required for nitrogen starvation-induced sexual development. rcd1+ encodes a 283-amino-acid protein with no particular motifs. However, genes highly homologous to rcd1+ (encoding amino acids with >70% identity) are present at least in budding yeasts, plants, nematodes, and humans. Cells with rcd1+ deleted are sterile if sexual development is induced by nitrogen starvation but fertile if it is induced by glucose starvation. This results largely from a defect in nitrogen starvation-invoked induction of ste11+, a key transcriptional factor gene required for the onset of sexual development. The striking conservation of the gene throughout eukaryotes may suggest the presence of an evolutionarily conserved differentiation controlling system.

There are 3 transcription factors which have been predicted for 3D structure in this family:

Transcription Factor IDGene Description
AT2G32550.1Description:   rcd1-like cell differentiation family protein;  Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana;  Chromosome: 2;  GeneType: Protein Coding;  NCBI gene id: 817816
AT3G20800.1Description:   rcd1-like cell differentiation protein, putative;  Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana;  Chromosome: 3;  GeneType: Protein Coding;  NCBI gene id: 821628
AT5G12980.1Description:   rcd1-like cell differentiation protein, putative;  Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana;  Chromosome: 5;  GeneType: Protein Coding;  NCBI gene id: 831138